Hitting The Mark Read online


  Jill Monroe





  This book is dedicated to my husband.

  Thanks for always believing in me!

  A special thanks to Gena Showalter.

  The sun and moon don’t lie. Thanks also go to

  Kassia Krozser, who knows all my dirt and

  therefore gets in every dedication.

  Plus you’re an awesome friend.

  I’d also like to thank Sheila Fields, Linda Rooks,

  Betty, Donnell, Tami and Amanda. To OKP,

  whenever I imagined all the bad things

  happening to Dirk, I pictured your face.

  Many thanks to Kathryn Lye. I’m looking

  forward to the next one!

  To my family, who are so patient and supportive—

  I love you.



  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Coming Next Month


  MAYBE SHE SHOULD just fake it.

  Danni Flynn closed her eyes and willed herself to get into the mood. She concentrated on the sensual play of the hard muscles of her lover’s back as he moved his tongue along her body. She loved running her fingers over his hips. Loved to feel him push against her when she found his ultra-sensitive spots.

  Except this time, all she felt was betrayed.

  Danni tried to shut off her mind, made herself slow down to enjoy the delicious heat of his breath on her neck as he whispered, “Danni, you’re so incredible.”

  When his fingers found her nipple and gently caressed, her toes curled, actually curled into the mattress.

  Okay, maybe she wouldn’t have to fake it. Maybe she could let this go on a little longer. She could get back into it. After all, Eric Reynolds, if that were really his name, owed her the mother of all orgasms considering what he’d done to her.

  Thinking of his treachery caused her muscles to tense.

  “Something wrong?” he asked. He looked so good. All messed up from their lovemaking and concerned about her. Jerk.

  “Everything’s…wonderful,” she lied.

  But she’d lost it again. There had to be some way to keep her brain from drifting to the lying, manipulating and using jerk Eric was. Rather than the orgasm-inducing God of Sex that he’d proven to be in the past.

  He continued to caress and behave in ways that never failed to get a response from her. Never failed until now. From the determination on his face, Eric wasn’t going to stop until she came. That was what made him a great lover. Made being the operative word there. Past tense. This was the last time she’d allow him to touch her.

  “You feel so good, Danni,” he said, his voice nothing but a sexy ragged whisper.

  Yeah, she just bet she did. A wave of anger killed the last of her pleasure buzz. Would it feel good when she duct taped his mouth?

  Yep, fake it. She sighed and made a moan deep in her throat to speed things along.

  He now moved inside her more purposefully, his breathing becoming more strained. She almost grinned. He’d bought it. This faking business wasn’t going to be so difficult. Who’d ever invented it sure had the right idea. Add a moan here and there and he’d be done.

  Now wait a minute. Why should the lying bastard be having any fun? If she didn’t get to come, he shouldn’t, either. In fact, she’d never planned to let him enjoy this one last marathon of sex. Honestly, as long as he was screwing her outside of bed, she should at least get one last good screw from him in bed.

  And now that wasn’t even working. Might as well jump to phase two of her plan.

  Determined, she gripped his strong shoulders. Danni pushed him away, their bodies still joined.

  “I have a game I want to play,” she said, dropping her voice to a provocative level.

  A wicked glint sparked to life in his brown eyes. “You and your games.”

  “I want to tie you up and then do naughty things to your body,” she told him as she traced a teasing line across his chest.

  “Next time,” he said, his voice a promise.

  She shook her head, turning her smile devilish. “No, it will be more fun this way. Our bodies will ache for completion, but we won’t let them have it until we turn up the heat even more. It will be almost tantric.”

  Eric groaned deep in his throat. “I can never say no to you.”

  Yeah, it was dealing with the truth he had a problem with. Double dealing with the truth.

  Eric wrapped his arms around her, and for a moment she closed her eyes. Remembering. Remembering what it felt like to wake up in his arms this very morning thinking he loved her. Knowing she loved him. The solid strength of him. The promise of a future in his eyes. That sexy, sleepy smile on his face only for her.

  He rolled so she straddled him. She gasped in pleasure as he delved deeper into her. Okay, the man had skills in bed. Her last boyfriend had never mastered the roll-over-and-still-stay-joined maneuver. Although that boyfriend had been upfront about his loserness and lack of ambition.

  “I’m all yours,” he said.

  “You just bet you will be.”

  “What?” he asked, his eyes dark and lusty.

  How’d he do it? Just how in the hell was he able to look so sincere, almost loving while all the time he was also happy to send her on a train ride to hell?

  Danni shook her head and forced a smile. “Nothing. I have the rope in my bag,” she told him.

  His gaze left her breasts and he met her eyes. His brows lifted. “You came prepared.”

  He didn’t know the half of it.

  He groaned again as she shimmied off his body. She fought back the wave of sadness, already missing the intimate closeness of being joined. She’d use an extra piece of duct tape on his mouth just for that feeling alone.

  His gaze followed her as she padded along the carpet to her bag. Originally, she was going to tie him up after he’d given her a great time. Gripping the handle of the bag hard in frustration, she tossed it on the bedside table. Returning to the bed, she schooled her features to look seductive. Her eyes promised the naughty game-playing he liked so much. With a snap, Danni pulled out the rope. Thick, tight and knotted.

  He blinked in surprise. “You’re serious. I expected a scarf or something,” he said, excitement lacing his words.

  She’d like to hog-tie him. That is, if she actually knew how to do such a thing. Hog-tie him and beat him with a stick like he had her heart.

  She sucked in the side of her lip. Now that was being a bit overdramatic. Even for her.

  She winked then reached over and drew out a few delicate scarves. “The scarf I’ll put against your skin.” Jerk. “That way you won’t get chafed.” Rot in hell. “Wouldn’t want you showing up to work with burn marks.” And may it fall off.

  Oh, no, she couldn’t let him show up for work looking less than corporate. Especially since she knew now just how important that job of his was to him. He could lie and cheat and then sleep like a baby. That’s a skill even she didn’t possess.

  A hint of uncertainty lit in his eyes. “Trust me,” she urged, throwing back the same words he used on her half a dozen times.

  Eric lift
ed his hand, and she forced her expression to stay sensual rather than triumphant. Yes. It was working.

  Danni pressed a quick kiss on the warm skin of his wrist then slid the scarf in place. He even had sexy wrists, masculine and flexible with the right amount of hair. Oh, it was so unfair. With a quick twist, she secured his arm to the bedpost and used the same routine to bind his other arm and both his legs. Sitting back on her heels on Eric’s large bed, she admired her work.

  Despite being such a jerk, Eric Reynolds was the best looking man she’d ever seen. Sprawled against the king-sized bed, his arms and legs tied up, he exuded power and force. Only a man utterly confident in his own strength and had trust in his woman would allow himself to be tied up. That’s what she’d counted on.

  There’d be hell to pay if she didn’t work this one right.

  Locks of his dark hair fell across his forehead, and she allowed herself one more time to touch the strands, stroke the hair away from his face. She trailed one finger along his sexy cheekbone and the harsh outline of his jaw. His lips, he had such beautiful lips. Wicked lips that made her want to do erotic things. Wicked lips because they told such wicked lies.

  Eric sucked in a breath as she leisurely traced a path along his broad chest, and the flatness of his stomach. She smiled as she saw his penis rise, then harden even more. The only place he didn’t lie. But that was because he couldn’t. She tore her gaze from his body, focused once more on his lips.

  One last kiss. She needed one more kiss to remind her what betrayal tasted like. Danni bent over and slid her tongue on his bottom lip. Despite being restrained, he moved his mouth so he kissed her fully. Her heartbeat quickened, and she felt her nipples tingle and tighten. He made her feel things. Want things.

  And that’s why she had to do this. Why she couldn’t congratulate him on his great con and walk away. Because for a few short days he made her dreams come true, but then snatched them away.

  The sounds of their ragged breathing filled his bedroom. She quickly broke contact and scrambled off him.

  Frantic, Danni searched for her panties. Damn, that was one part of her plan she hadn’t fully thought through. But then, neither had she made allowances for ditching her clothes in such a hurry, and leaving them all over his suite.

  “What are you doing?” Eric asked, his voice curious and oh, so trusting.

  Forget her panties. Grabbing her jeans, she swiftly stepped into them and zipped them up. She didn’t look at him. “What do you think I’m doing? I’m getting dressed.”

  “What?” Eric managed to sit up higher, his expression growing serious. She’d given too much slack in the legs. Oh, well. Hindsight.

  After donning her bra and hastily buttoning her shirt, Danni slipped into her shoes. “I’m leaving.”

  “What the hell…? Danni, this isn’t funny.” Eric tugged furiously at his bonds. They held. Good.

  She finally met his gaze. “I’m not meaning it to be a joke,” she told him, her voice steady and sure.

  Eric struggled against the rope. He must have realized she wasn’t playing.

  “I wasn’t lying about being a Scout,” she said. “I really do know how to make good knots. Don’t worry, despite the Do Not Disturb sign I placed on the knob, I’ll call room service to come get you. After a few hours. That should give you plenty of time to reflect on your crimes.”

  Cold, controlled anger replaced confusion in his eyes. A wave of unease made her shiver. She had to get out of there. Now. But she couldn’t have him yelling the place down. It was time to tape his mouth shut. Reaching for the roll, she made her way back to the bed. With every step she took, tension filled her.

  “What are you planning to do with that?” he asked. He smelled of arousal, and now, unforgiving male. She knew he couldn’t get away, but that didn’t make the man’s intimidating presence any less daunting.

  She unrolled a long strip of duct tape.

  “Danni, stop this. You’re making a mistake,” he blurted.

  Danni shook her head. “I doubt it. You picked the wrong mark, ace.”

  “Mark? What are you talking about?”

  “Someone has to save my father.”

  “Danni, whatever it is you think you know, you’re wrong. Let me expl—”

  “Save your explanation. It will all just be more lies.”

  His eyes widened in surprise, and she grabbed at the opportunity to secure his mouth.

  “What is it you once told me, Eric? You didn’t believe in chance. Well, you made a convert. I don’t believe in chance either. Only making my own opportunities. And I’m making one now. You seduced me to get to my father, and now you’re going to pay.”


  Two Weeks Earlier

  DANNI BALANCED the laundry basket on her hip as she stepped out of the dry Nevada heat, and into the humidity of the Save ’n’ Wash. No one did their laundry on a Wednesday afternoon, so it was the perfect time to study. For some reason, just starting school when most people her age would have been finishing made her feel a twinge unsure. Funny how going straight could do that to a person. She’d always felt cool and in control while on the grift.

  She’d been born to play the game. Or so her father had always told her. And taught her.

  Not worth thinking about now. Danni blinked to allow her eyes to adjust to the inside light, and set her basket down on an empty table. Her textbook lay on top of her dirty clothes. She had more than two years ahead of her, but she wouldn’t have it any other way.

  She’d carefully pushed her change into the slot, when a shadow fell across her arm.

  “Do you have any dryer sheets? I must have left mine back at the hotel.”

  Danni glanced up to match the sexy voice to the shadow. She had heard some pickup lines before, in fact, she’d heard that exact pickup line in the Laundromat, but never from someone like this. Someone who didn’t need cheesy words because his very presence was an open invitation.

  Tall and dark and rugged.

  Her breath hitched. She’d always gone for the rebels. Long hair, no job and an air of total irresponsibility. Bonus points for lack of sensitivity, except for something useless like his bad music or his dirty poetry. Those were the kind of guys who rocked her world.

  But this wasn’t a guy. This was a man.

  Despite the corporate cut to his dark hair, he exuded a jagged undercurrent of danger. No rebellion…just promise. She swallowed. This man was gulp worthy. A snug, navy T-shirt molded his proud chest and shoulders. Danni kept a tight rein on her eyes. Do not lower.

  She met his gaze. She found humor in the darkness of his brown eyes. And expectation. Oh yeah, he was waiting on her to answer. Dryer sheet. That was it.

  Time to work it.

  “For a dollar,” she told him.

  He raised an eyebrow. “You want a dollar for one dryer sheet?”

  Danni shrugged. “You’re welcome to go to the store.”

  A touch of frustration mixed with the humor already in his eyes. He stuffed his fingers into the front pocket of his well-worn jeans. And they fit him well. Nice flat stomach, narrow hips. Fine-looking package. Okay, so she looked lower. Big deal. He pulled out a five.

  “I can even make you change,” she said with a smile.

  She could imagine it right now. Slide him three bucks and a dryer sheet, pocket the extra. Daddy had taught her well.

  But she wouldn’t. Because damn it, she was determined to be an honest person.

  Also, a very rude one. Rudeness kept people away, and that’s how she liked it. It was the way it had to be. When people got close to you, they began expecting things. Wanting to know personal, private details.

  He pushed the money into her hand. His long, lean fingers warm and strong as he folded her fingers around the cash. “If you need it that badly, keep the whole five.” The man took one of her sheets, turned his back and tossed it into one of the oversized dryers in the corner.

  He looked just as good from the back as he did from
the front.

  Shoving the bill into her pocket, Danni was at a loss. She’d come out on top in this little encounter. Hadn’t she?

  Danni grabbed her book and sat. Freeing her mind to the wide-open world of court reporting, she tried to forget the man. She should be memorizing the abbreviation for parenthesis. She had a mock deposition to study for. Uh-huh, that was irony there.

  Her gaze strayed to the man folding his socks. What if he started folding his underwear? What if he didn’t?

  Despite the thinness of her T-shirt, she broke out in a light sweat. This was a man who deserved underwear speculation. He also took the fun out of it by giving her all five bucks.

  And yet that made him even sexier.

  Maybe she hadn’t needed to be that rude. But the man stirred up every instinct not to talk to him. Perhaps that was a good thing—her track record with men was awful. And she always went with her gut. So should she go against it for once, and go for him instead? The last of his clothes were already dry, there wouldn’t be much more of an opportunity.

  Grabbing a dryer sheet, she walked to the table where he stood shaking out another pair of well-worn jeans. He didn’t react as she approached. She waved the dryer sheet in his field of vision. The flowery scent of a summer day wafted between them. At least that was the scent mentioned on the package.

  Mr. Gorgeous turned toward her and raised an eyebrow.

  “I’m waving the dryer sheet white flag of peace. Maybe I was a little rude back there.”

  “A little?” he asked, his voice low and rumbly. And very, very sexy.

  “It should be two dryer sheets for a dollar. I misquoted the price earlier.” Okay, if he could work “dryer sheets” into a cheesy pickup line, so could she.

  Without touching her, he tugged the sheet from her fingers.

  In spite of the white flag, she refused to give up. “Actually, the going rate for five dollars is two dryer sheets and a cup of coffee.” She reached into her pocket and pulled out his bill. “And I just happen to have five dollars.”